【同义词辨析】 2017-12-25 计划plan-design
plan: implies mental formulation and sometimes graphical representation of a method or course of action: studied the ~ for the proposed industrial park. plan计划是这组词的基础词,这组词归根结底都是计划,即做事的方法或路线
design: often suggests a definite pattern and some degree of achieved order or harmony: ~s for three new gowns. (pattern模式,表示清晰详细的典型原型suggests a clear and detailed archetype or prototype,如American industry sets a pattern for others to follow美国工业为其他国家树立了可供模仿的模式)
plot: implies a laying out in clearly distinguishable sections with attention on their relations and proportions: outlined the ~ of the new play.
scheme: stresses calculation of the end in view and may apply to a plan motivated by craftiness and self-interest: a ~ to swindle senior citizens of their savings. 储蓄
project: often stresses enterprise, imaginative scope, or vision but sometimes connotes ponderous or needless extension: a ~ to develop the waterfront. (解释中说有时表示笨重铺张浪费,但一般没有这些暗示,没有采用) 滨水区;码头区;滨水路;
plan计划: 是制定方法或路线(method course),design设计: 是制定模式,使和谐有序(order and harmony),plot情节: 列出各部分及其关系比例, scheme方案: 强调有目的的计算,可能狡滑自私,project工程项目: 常表示进取心想象力和远见
记忆方法: 1) 首字母PDPSP重组成PPP三人DS的事<==需定计划
2) 计划的意思是为实现目标而设计的方法mean a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an end.首字母PDPSP重组成PPP三人DS的事<==需定计划